In "soft" sciences like sociology, it's much more difficult to detect manipulation of research, than in "hard" sciences like physics. Soft science researchers who strive for objectivity deserve an extra measure of respect. Sadly, far too many researchers are more concerned with pushing an agenda than with objectivity. These same problems are not unknown in the world of journalism. Since the soft sciences and the media have a powerful influence on social policies in this country, this affects every family and every individual.

Breaking the Science is about the broken "science" that's being used to create law and drive social policy.


Resolution Regarding the Ongoing Importance of the New Hampshire Commission on the Status of Men

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  1. Whereas, in 2002, legislators in the state of New Hampshire demonstrated leadership, foresight, and vision for the entire nation by their establishment of the first Commission on the Status of Men in the United States,
  2. Whereas, men in U.S. society face unique problems that negatively impact on their physical and mental well-being and their ability to earn a living,
  3. Whereas, the aforementioned problems also negatively impact on men's families, including their wives, daughters, sisters, and mothers, as well as their sons, brothers, and fathers, and society in general,
  4. Whereas, men's lifespan was only 1 year shorter than women's in 1920, but by the end of the 20th century men were dying seven years sooner than women,1
  5. Whereas, the reading and writing skills of boys are more than a year behind those of girls,2
  6. Whereas, even in pre-kindergarten, boys are 4.5 times more likely to be expelled than girls, and African-American boys are 10.6 times more likely to be expelled than African-American girls,3
  7. Whereas, children who have a poor or nonexistent relationship with their natural father are the largest users of state-funded services,4
  8. Whereas, children having a poor or nonexistent relationship with their natural father have lower wellness levels in the areas of safety, health, education, and economic security.5
  9. Whereas, more than 75% of all suicides are by men,6
  10. Whereas, the New Hampshire Commission on the Status of Men has actively worked with the state's Chief Medical Examiner to develop an understanding of the reasons that so many men commit suicide,
  11. Whereas, legislators exacerbate these serious societal problems when they fail to consider the aforementioned facts in implementing laws, regulations, and policies,
  12. Whereas, the failure to address these problems, demoralizes boys and men and prevents them from achieving their full potential,
  13. Whereas, the aforementioned often results in self-destructive behaviors which harms others when turned outward, and harms the boys and men when turned inward,
  14. Whereas, the New Hampshire Commission on the Status of Men is the only branch of New Hampshire government solely focused on identifying these issues and bringing them to the attention of the legislature,
  15. Whereas, the New Hampshire Commission on the Status of Men has accomplished a surprising amount in spite of being prohibited by state law from receiving any funding whatsoever from the state,


  • We, the undersigned therefore wish to emphasize to the N.H. Legislature the continued importance of the New Hampshire Commission on the Status of Men, not only to the citizens of New Hampshire, but also to the citizens of the other 49 states. In particular the New Hampshire Commission on the Status of Men and the report it has produced is a source of information that other states look to in order to develop an understanding of such problems and for guidance on how best to formulate policy to ameliorate such problems,
  • We, the undersigned furthermore wish to request that the N.H. Legislature reauthorize the Commission on the Status of Men as a permanent commission, removing the sunset provision from the original enabling legislation.



Marc Angelucci, Esq.
Los Angeles, California
Edward E. Bartlett, Ph.D.
Public Health Consultant
Rockville, Maryland
Stephen Baskerville, Ph.D.
Professor of Political Science
Howard University
Washington, D.C.
William M. Bitsas, MD, FABFP
Family Practitioner
Belvidere, Illinois
David Burroughs, Esq.
Family Law Attorney
Baltimore, Maryland
Richard L. Davis
V.P. Family Non-Violence, Inc.
Police officer, retired
Plymouth, Massachusetts
Nancy Diaz
Domestic Violence Services Coordinator
Outreach Project
Queens, New York
Edward Dunning, MSW
Family Therapist
Co-founder of Family Interventions Project
Vacaville, California
Donald Dutton, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Univ. of British Columbia
Expert witness on domestic violence in the O.J. Simpson case
Vancouver, B.C.
Warren Farrell, Ph.D.
Author "The Myth of Male Power"
Elected three times to the Board of the National Organization for Women in New York City
Mill Valley, California
Gordon Finley, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Florida International Univ.
Miami, Florida
Rinaldo del Gallo, III, Esq.
Family Law Attorney
Pittsfield, Massachusetts
Tom Golden, LCSW
Therapist and author on helping men handle grief and loss
Washington, D.C.
Kelly Bowles Gray, Esq.
Family Law Attorney
Los Olivos, California
Stevan Gressitt, MD
Unity, Maine
David Heleniak, Esq.
Morristown, New Jersey
Ron Henry, Esq.
President, Men's Health Network
Washington, D.C.
Daniel B. Hogan, J.D., Ph.D.
Psychologist, Attorney, Author
Boston, Massachusetts
Mark I. Holbrook, LCPC, GAL
Instructor: Southern Maine Community College, Southern N.H. Univ.
Brunswick, Maine
Donald Hubin, Ph.D.
Professor of Philosophy
Ohio State Univ.
Columbus, Ohio
David Levy, Esq.
CEO, Children's Rights Council
Hyattsville, Maryland
Jay Maust, MD
Children's Clinic of SW Louisiana
Lake Charles, Louisiana
R.L. McNeely, Ph.D., J.D.
Attorney, Professor of Social Welfare
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Linda Nielsen, Ph.D.
Professor of Women's Studies and Education
Wake Forest University
Nationally Recognized Expert on Father-Daughter Relationships
Author: "Embracing Your Father"
Winston Salem, NC
Rita Parker, M.S.
Founder and exec. dir. of rehabilitative program for domestic violence offenders
Sterling, Illinois
Jeff Parks, LMFT
Family Therapist
Natick, Massachusetts
Arnold Robbins, MD
Associate Editor, International Journal of Men's Health
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Lisa Scott, Esq.
Family Law Attorney
Bellevue, Washington
Murray Straus, Ph.D.
Professor of Sociology
Univ. of New Hampshire
Founder and co-director of
UNH Family Research Laboratory
Durham, New Hampshire
Edward M. Stephens, MD
Manhattan, New York
Henry A. Tenenbaum, Ph.D.
School Psycyhologist and Clinical Psychologist
Sarasota, Florida
Lionel Tiger, Ph.D.
Author: "The Decline of Males"
New Brunswick, New Jersey



1 National Center for Health Statistics, Monthly Vital Statistics Report, vol. 38, no. 5, Sept. 26, 1989, p. 4 and vol. 39, no. 13, Aug. 28, 1991, p. 17

2 First Biennial Report of the New Hampshire Commission on the Status of Men (NHCSM), November 1, 2005,

3 Prekindergarteners Left Behind: Expulsion Rates in State Prekindergarten Systems. Walter S. Gilliam, PhD, Yale University Child Study Center. May 2005 Report,

4 NHCSM, op. cit.

5 Ibid.

6 Ibid.




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